My name is Jan Jasinski, I'm a 27 year old freelance aviation photographer and airline pilot on the Embraer E195-E2. I am from the Gatineau, Quebec area and come from a Polish background. My previous flying experience include flying Pilatus PC-12's across Canada and Cessna Citation CJ3+ business jets across North America.
My photography journey commenced at the age of 11, having self-taught myself while experimenting for countless of hours with a Fujifilm F70EXR camera. With an enormous passion and desire to learn, I committed to spending time on the internet where I would gather information with regards to all things camera and software related. My fascination for photography was so immense, that I would even bother strangers in public to let me use their DSLR's. Frequent visits to the local camera shop would also cause some frustration from the salesmen who noticed I never purchased anything... However, by the time I owned my first DSLR, I was fully aware of its operation. Apart from experimenting with camera's, I believe it was very important that I observed other photographers and accepted their advice.
Aviation being my biggest passion, I was quickly inspired by Kavin Kowsari and Jørgen Syversen. To me, they are to this day true legends in aviation photography. I admired their work greatly, and aspired to someday reach their level of perfection. For several years, I tried relentlessly to replicate the flawlessness behind their color rendition and creativity, but to no avail. Nevertheless, I persevered with the hope of one day attaining my goal. By the age of 14, I was selling images, with my first publications appearing soon after.
Through my photography, I try to create images that captivate viewers the same way I was once mesmerized. The success of my workflow has come through years of experience, trial and error. It was at times difficult to receive negative feedback, though I always stayed positive and had a vision in my mind of my goal. Software experimentation to me was the most effective & valuable method for understanding what works best/doesn't for post-processing. This is the most time consuming aspect about photography, and requires an enormous amount of patience. Read more on my workflow.
Aviation photography has been very rewarding to me to this day. It has created wonderful friendships as well as numerous opportunities the aviation industry presents. Most importantly, being able to share my passion with others is priceless...